Pinnacle, DS4Windows (only for DS4), sc-controller, Universal Controller Remapper, and of course JSM and reWASD (as well as a bunch of older or less features remappers). Steam Input is the most comprehensive today but it doesn't seem to be actively developed and its tied to Steam (that's a pro or a con depending on the user). Controller mapper Controller mapper Pinnacle Game Profiler enables the use of virtually any game controller (gamepad, joystick, etc.) with any PC game. It's preconfigured for most game titles and controllers. Just download and play. Jun 03, 2015 · Using Xbox 360 controller on PC becomes more easy if you’re using Xbox360ce, xbox360ce helps you use any controller on your pc / computer by assigning and mapping vaarious keyboard / mouse actions to gamepad buttons, and then generates the xinput.dll files, these xinput files then have to be copied to the game directory, before running the game executables. Mac controller mapper Joystick Mapper, An app for Mac OS X that allows you to use . Joystick Mapper is an application for Mac OS X that lets you map keyboard keys, mouse axes, mouse In other words: This App will let you play any game or use any app with any mac compatible.. Rewasd patch
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Controller mapper Controller mapper Pinnacle Game Profiler enables the use of virtually any game controller (gamepad, joystick, etc.) with any PC game. It's preconfigured for most game titles and controllers. Just download and play. Jun 03, 2015 · Using Xbox 360 controller on PC becomes more easy if you’re using Xbox360ce, xbox360ce helps you use any controller on your pc / computer by assigning and mapping vaarious keyboard / mouse actions to gamepad buttons, and then generates the xinput.dll files, these xinput files then have to be copied to the game directory, before running the game executables. Mac controller mapper Joystick Mapper, An app for Mac OS X that allows you to use . Joystick Mapper is an application for Mac OS X that lets you map keyboard keys, mouse axes, mouse In other words: This App will let you play any game or use any app with any mac compatible.. Rewasd patch
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